Sunday, 31 January 2010

Tutorial: Customizing the PocketPlane - Part 2

This information applies to Innodil's Pocket Plane version 2.0 or higher only!
In this tutorial you'll learn how to completely customize where all containers and NPCs are located. Those pesky number to specify the locations... they're not that hard to get, especially after this, hopefully useful, tutorial. There is a way to do this without the toolset installed, but it is very cumbersome to say the least... For this article, I'm going to stick to the toolset version.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

New BETA version of Innodil's Pocket Plane released!

I just updated the second BETA version of Innodil's Pocket Plane, you can quickly download it here. It includes an important fix a the first version of the custom visual effect.


  • Fixes issue: When switching party in the plane and returning, all followers not currently in the party are gone from the party selection. (sorry about this annoying one!)
  • First version of custom visual effect for teleport ability, many thank to kzelsama

For those of who have their savegame screwed up and don't have a backup, Here is a quick howto for fixing your savegame. You will need the toolset for it though.

Howto: Restore "lost party members" (2.0-beta1 bug)

A bug in the first BETA version caused party members to be "lost". Although you should always have a backup save when you are testing beta software ;-), some people don't. So here a a quick howto on how to "restore" the party members that were lost due to the bug. You will need 2 things though for this to work:

Monday, 18 January 2010

Trying out custom Visual Effects

Finally getting to the "finishing" touches of Innodil's Pocket Plane. I was hoping to polish up the actual teleport ability with some nifty visual effects but just couldn't get anything decent out of the VFX editor :) But thanks to kzelsama from Baldur's Gate II Redux, who freed up some of his time to create this pretty portal effect for me and allowed me to use it, I took a first shot at it.

And here's a little video to show it off ;-)

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Innodil's Pocket Plane 2.0 BETA Released

I am proud to announce a major new release of Innodil's Pocket Plane. Version 2.0 is a complete rewrite of the 1.x version. Next to being much more flexible, compatible and customizable, it also features new stuff like up to 3 custom merchants or magical chests (chests using the merchant interface, so you can sort your loot). Or if you like, all, or some of, those merchants can have random supplies that you can "refresh" any time by just talking to the keeper.

Feature list:
  • all sorts of different containers to store all the loot you can't keep in your inventory. It features armor stands, weapons stand, a crafting material rack, several chests, ... 
  • A magical chest (up to 4) that you can use as storage: it uses the same interface as merchants so you can sort your loot by type. 
  • The Keeper: a magical creature that has an UNLIMITED supply of ALL crafting materials (potions, poisons and traps) and sells some backpacks 
  • The Tome of Secrets: a tome you can use to unlock ALL specializations, at no cost , can be disabled by INI setting
  • An enchanter for all your enchanting needs. 
  • Change your party at will while in the plane. And yes, when you teleport back your party is still changed. This is also useful when you want to equip or use abilities of followers not currently in your party while in the plane.
  • 3 additional merchants whose inventories can be controlled by 2DA files or you can just let them have random supplies
  • Almost everything in the plane is completely customizable by editing a few 2DA files!
  • Control buy/sell rates of all merchants
For downloads, changelog and bug reporting, check out the Mod's Page.

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Tutorial: Customizing the PocketPlane - Part 1

This information applies to Innodil's Pocket Plane version 2.0 or higher only!
In this tutorial you'll learn how to customize Pocket Plane to your needs and preferences. You do not need the toolset for this and no modding skills are required. Simply edit a 2DA file, dump it in the override folder and it's done! You can customize which containers and NPCs are in the plane, where they are located and how they are called.  Interested in a Pocket Plane completely tailored to your own needs and personal preferences? Read on!

Innodil's Pocket Plane

Author: Nikivich
Download: 1.4.2 (Stable) , 2.0 (BETA)
Project Site: Project Website
Support & Bugs: Project Site, 2.0 BETA Support/Bug Reports
Changelog: Complete changelog

IMPORTANT: You can not upgrade Innodil's Pocket Plane version 1.4.2 or older to the new 2.0. If you upgrade, you must start a new game!


Innodil’s Pocket Plane gives you a full blown PARTY CAMP ALTERNATIVE. The addon gives you a stone that you can use to teleport to and from your own pocket plane from anywhere in the world giving you access to lots and lots of storage, merchants, an enchanter and some special stuff. You can control all your followers and even extend the plane with containers, NPCs and merchants of your choosing.

Feature list:

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Tutorial: Changing the merchants names, buy and sell rates in the Pocket Plane

This information applies to Innodil's Pocket Plane version 2.0 or higher only!
In this tutorial you'll learn how to change the buy and sell rates of all merchants in the Pocket Plane. You do not need the toolset for this and no modding skills are required. Simply edit a 2DA file, dump it in the override folder and it's done! Read on for a detailed tutorial complete with screenshots and background information.

Changelog: Innodil's Pocket Plane

This is the changelog for the Dragon Age: Origins mod Innodil's Pocket Plane.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Innodil's Pocket Plane - The Origin Story

Well, since I had to have something on here I decided to write a little bit about the what, why and how of the pocket plane mod. I will add some more specific information and tutorials about the mod soon.

Innodil's Pocket Plane is the first and (so far) most complete mod I made for Dragon Age: Origins. The idea came to me after the first playthrough.